Welcome To The Cider Farm

John-n-DeirdreIn 2003 we decided we wanted to grow true cider apples to make high-quality, true cider. Ten years later we finally have that product, and in the form of cider brandy. We are very pleased about our first product and hope you will be too. Despite many challenges, we have remained committed to growing true cider apples organically because we believed true cider apples, what you might consider the wine grapes of apples, would give the quality cider we want you to enjoy. We are committed to growing our apples organically because this is what’s best for the natural environment. In addition, organic growing allows the terroir in which our apples are grown to be fully expressed. Because our first harvest was naturally a small one, we have a single barrel of brandy, which has been aging for two years in charred oak along with wild apple wood from our farm. Due to the Apple_Pickingbizarre spring weather of 2012, we had an unnaturally small crop but an incredibly flavored one. That will be quite a brandy to be released in 2014 also after two years of aging. This year’s harvest is looking good and we look forward to aging multiple barrels for you to enjoy. Because friends have asked if they could ‘subscribe’ for or reserve bottles of our brandy, The Cider Farm has decided to take CSA to the next level: Community Supported Alcohol. And community supported it is. We are grateful for the friends and family who have tracked our progress and helped us in many ways. We look forward to hearing from you whether you are joining the community supporting our farm, reserving your bottles of brandy, or to simply learn more about The Cider Farm. Cheers. –Deirdre and John, The Cider Farm